Professor Roman Slowinski Officer of the French Academic Palms!

The dignity and insignia of Officer of the French Academic Palms (French: L'Ordre des Palmes Académiques) was conferred on Professor Roman Slominski, an employee of the Institute of Computer Science at PP and also vice president of the Polish Academy of Sciences, by the Prime Minister of the French Republic. The ceremony of awarding the insignia took place at the Embassy of the French Republic in Warsaw. The decoration was carried out by French Ambassador to Poland Frédéric Billet. In his speech, the ambassador emphasized the outstanding contributions of the decorated to the development of French-Polish relations in the academic and scientific fields. Along with Prof. Roman Slowinski, the order was also awarded to Prof. Jerzy Duszynski, president of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The dignity of Officer of Academic Palms is the second degree in the three-stage hierarchy of this decoration. It is a unique circumstance that professors received this decoration with the first degree omitted. The Order of Academic Palms is one of the oldest civilian French designations. It is awarded to outstanding academics and cultural and educational figures. Established in 1808 by Napoleon Bonaparte as an honorary title awarded to outstanding professors at the University of Paris. Established in its present form in 1955, the Ambassador recalled during the ceremony that the origins of Prof. Roman Slominski's ties with France date back to the 1980s and his work at Paris-Dauphine University. This cooperation gave birth to the Department of Intelligent Decision Support Systems at the Poznan University of Technology. Prof. Slowinski develops new computer systems that are important for improving management tools through the use of innovative techniques. As co-promoter, together with French colleagues, he provides scientific supervision to doctoral students preparing dissertations in the co-tutelle system.